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Tag: Fieldwork 2013


Our masterstudents are in the field! They are sending in interesting posts from all over the globe, both to the ‘Vamos bien’ blog and to StandplaatsWereld – where we copy the ones posted on ‘Vamos bien’. See the whole series at ‘Fieldwork 2013’.

foto door Wilson Lee
foto door Wilson Lee

Door Fennelien Stal    Toen ik in september aan de Master begon leek het veldwerk in januari nog heel ver weg. Wat wel snel dichterbij kwamen waren de vele deadlines. Toen ik half december mijn onderzoeksplan stond te presenteren, voelde het nog steeds alsof het maanden zou duren voor ik dit onderzoek zou gaan uitvoeren. Hier kwam abrupt een eind aan toen ik op maandag 7 januari samen met Marly Broertjes in het vliegtuig zat, nu begon het toch echt… écht echt.

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On the boat to São Gabriel da Cachoeira

Our masterstudents are in the field! They are sending in interesting posts from all over the globe, both to the ‘Vamos bien’ blog and to StandplaatsWereld – where we copy the ones posted on ‘Vamos bien’. See the whole series at ‘Fieldwork 2013’. 

By Jorge Alves     The boat trip from Manaus to São Gabriel da Cachoeira took 29 hours, three more than expected. I will tell you what happened. At about midnight, I was sleeping on the floor of the deck of the boat. It was a bit cold because this boat – Taylor – is one of the fastest of the Tanaka Navegações and if you are at the front you do not get any protection from the wind. However, the night views along with the experience of falling asleep while looking at the starred sky in the Amazon make it totally worth it.  So, suddenly, I awoke to a huge noise as I wasflipped over and looked up trying to understand what just had happened. I was alone outside for a few moments but then a man came from the inside and said “the boat hit a rock!”.


Dhaka blues and Garo songs by the bonfire

Our masterstudents are in the field! They are sending in interesting posts from all over the globe, both to the ‘Vamos bien’ blog and to StandplaatsWereld – where we copy the ones posted on ‘Vamos bien’. See the whole series at ‘Fieldwork 2013’.

By Minna Raitapuro    As I stepped out sleepy from the airplane two weeks ago, the warm breath of air welcomed me to Bangladesh. The crowed arrival hall in the airport was totally packed with people waiting and I could hardly see the end of the queues on the other side of the hall. The walls of the entrance hall were full of colorful commercials, but the picture of a rural girl reading something in the candlelight captured my attention: “Turn your aspirations into achievements with Dutch-Bangla Bank´s Tk 1.02 Billion Annual Scholarship.” I stared at the poster for a moment and understood that my three months fieldwork had started right there.

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Tegenstellingen in Nepal

Our masterstudents are in the field! They are sending in interesting posts from all over the globe, both to the ‘Vamos bien’ blog and to StandplaatsWereld – where we copy the ones posted on ‘Vamos bien’. See the whole series at ‘Fieldwork 2013’.

Door Brecht Zijlstra  De zon ging onder toen mijn vlucht aankwam op Tribhuvan National Airport. Ravi (mijn host) stond samen met zijn zoontje al op me te wachten toen ik het vliegveld af liep. De rit naar mijn nieuwe woonplaats was er één vol met nieuwe en schrikbarende indrukken. Luid toerende auto’s en motoren, uitlaatgassen, veel stof, slapende mensen en hutjes direct naast de snelweg… Daarbij werd het langzaam pikkedonker omdat ze hier niet de hele dag over elektriciteit beschikken. Hoe ga ik dit ooit drie maanden volhouden? Gelukkig is het huis van Ravi en zijn familie erg mooi en staat het in het rustige Imadol, slechts 10 minuten met de bus vanaf Kathmandu. Ik kreeg een enorm warm welkom van de familie Thapa, met gelijk een bord dal bhat voor mijn neus; de maaltijd die ik vanaf nu elke dag voorgeschoteld zal krijgen (rijst met linzensoep en groentencurry).

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Brazil, Haiti and nailpolish

4297580663_51d1d2549cOur masterstudents are in the field! We expect interesting posts from them, from all over the globe. Below, find the first one, talking about the fieldwork-preparations. It is by Luiza Andrade. The focus of her study will be the Haitian immigrants’ settlement in Brazil after the earthquake of 2010. During the fieldwork, she will try to gather information on their aspirations for the future and memories of the past, in an attempt to find out if such investments in migration may influence the way people perceive situations as either “temporary” or “permanent”. Her fieldwork will be conducted in Brasiléia, a small town located at the Brazilian boarder with Bolivia, where thousands of Haitian migrants have crossed the border to build a new life in Brazil.

By Luiza Andrade   I love nailpolish. Back home, I have an extensive collection of several different colors and shades. As a typical brazilian girl, I enjoy getting my nails done weekly and matching colors with clothes and accessories. Honestly, it’s part of my weekly routine. But today… today was different.  I came home from running errands and the first thing that came to my mind regarding the preparation for fieldwork was: I gotta file my nails.

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