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Tag: Netherlands

Becoming two

Sam Heeremans explores the transformative journey of birth in the Netherlands through the lens of doulas. Doulas provide non-medical support to birthing women, emphasizing the spiritual aspects of childbirth within the cultural context. The role is deeply rooted in accompanying women through intense bodily and possibly spiritual shifts, distancing from romanticized notions. Heeremans’ fieldwork reveals a cultural appreciation, augmenting a woman’s experience with communal and ritualistic dimensions inherent in becoming a mother.

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The things Dutch windows tell

By Lorraine Nencel I clearly remember moving here in 1978 and one of my evening pass times was walking through my neighborhood on garbage night scavenging along with the professional scavangers for useable goodies – proletariat recycling. But for this New Yorker who grew up with small windows blinded by venetians, Dutch windows were a delight to my eyes. Big and open, if it would not have been so obvious I could have stayed for hours in front of the window watching people enjoy their 8 o’clock coffee, sitting around the television, in each home generally positioned in the same corner, with Father sitting on the arm chair while mother and children are sitting on the couch.