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Anthropology Day, November 29th, 2013

As every academic year, this year again the department will organize an “Anthropology Day”. Write down November 29th in your agenda! You are warmly invited to this year’s Anthropology Day that, once again, promises to be a highly interesting and relevant symposium. This year’s theme is applied anthropology  and we invited well-known speakers who work outside academia (see the provisional program below). Please save the date. More information will follow.

The day’s title is:

WHY THE WORLD NEEDS ANTHROPOLOGISTS – Exploring new fields for applied anthropology in Europe.

The world is still not aware, see the following:

Chart by Adam Weinstein, see
Chart by Adam Weinstein, see

The event will take place in Amsterdam, on the 29th of November 2013 ; in the Soeterijn Theatre, Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, Linnaeusstraat 2, 1092 CK Amsterdam, from 13.00 to 18.00.

This day will be organised by the SCA-department of the VU Amsterdam University, the University of Ljubljana, EASA (the European Organisation of Social Anthropologists) and ABV (Antropologen Beroepsvereniging, the Dutch Association of Anthropologists)

This international symposium explores possibilities for the use of anthropology outside of academia. Keynote speakers will present best practices of product development and service improvement by employing anthropological skills and knowledge, and critically reflect on the engagement of anthropologists in profit and non-profit sectors. They will identify possibilities for future collaborations between science and practice and open new interdisciplinary fields for applied anthropology in Europe. The symposium will also feature a round table discussion (participants are to be announced) moderated by Dan Podjed (University of Ljubljana) and closing drinks.

The keynote speakers are:

Anna Kirah, “Making Waves”, has a background as a design anthropologist and psychologist. She is internationally recognised as a pioneer using human-centered innovation in the design of services, products and organizational change at leading companies, including Microsoft and Boeing.

Jitske Kramer, “Human Dimensions”, is a highly sought-after facilitator, coach and presenter in the area of diversity, inclusion, cross-cutural issues and change in the commercial sector. Her ambition is to (re)connect people through their differences.

Simon Roberts, “Bailiwick Partner”s, is a business anthropologist with over 15 years experience in technology research, innovation and strategy development. He has pioneered the use of ethnography in commercial settings, running his own consultancy and working in R&D at Intel.

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