Over het boek (dat vervolgens overal – onder meer in de VU-boekhandel– te koop zal zijn), het volgende:
“To make way for a strategic U.S. military base, the Chagossians were evicted from Diego Garcia and other islands of the Chagos archipelago in the Indian Ocean in the 1970s. The U.K. made the islands available to the U.S. and the population was secretly evicted to Mauritius and the Seychelles, about 2000 kilometres away, where many have experienced poverty and difficult life situations. They are not allowed to go back home, only some short trips have been organised since 2006. Recently, the rich marine environment and coral reefs of the Chagos archipelago inspired the U.K. government to transform the status of the Chagos region into the world’s largest Marine Protected Area. But what about the Chagossians, who are locked in a political and legal battle for the right to return to the islands and recognition as a people to live in diaspora? After several law suits against the British government, the Chagossians have vested their hope on the European Court of Human Rights which will rule shortly.”
Het boek zal aangeboden worden aan Bernadette Dugasse, die onlangs het privilege had haar thuisland te bezoeken. Het programma van de middag ziet er als volgt uit: om 14.00 uur het welkomstwoord van Sandra Evers. Om 14.10 een lezing door Wilbert van der Zeijden (van IKV Pax Christi, zie hieronder), getiteld “The centrality of Diego Garcia in U.S. military infrastructures”. Vervolgens om 14.40 een exerpt van een radiodocumentaire gemaakt door Saar Slegers (journalist).
Om 15.00 volgt dan een interview door Marry Kooy met Atman Ramchalaon, een Mauritiaan die zich inzet voor de Chagossians, waarna er tijd is voor vragen. Om 15.15 is er dan de echte boeklancering: het boek wordt aangeboden aan Bernadette Dugasse, waarna een high tea reception.
De abstract van de lezing van Wilbert van der Zeijden (IKV Pax Christi, politicoloog gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling van internationale militaire infrastructuur, atoom-ontwapening en de reacties van civil societies daarop) is:
“The U.S. maintains a global network of military outposts, counting more than 800 facilities and spanning most of the globe. Diego Garcia has always been – and still is – a crucial pawn in that military infrastructure. It is the primary launching point for reconnaissance missions and bombing missions for an area covering most of the Indian Ocean waters, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia. Additionally, Diego Garcia is a main hub for maritime maneuvers, intelligence operations and for some matters the U.S. hopes to keep concealed from the public view – such as the extraordinary rendition practices of a few years back. Foreign military facilities impact local populations. From Puerto Rico to Greenland, from Italy to Okinawa and from Guam to Chagos, people are standing up against the negative effects. This lecture will discuss such fates with a particular focus on the Chagossians who were forced to give up their homeland for the U.S. military base on Diego Garcia.”