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Category: Oorlog & vrede

Anthropology and Iraq

American sergeant Nick Crosby helps an Iraqi woman cross a water-filled street during a cordon and search mission in Al Risalah (by

I would like to react briefly to Lahay Hussein’s talk as well as to the concerns expressed in her earlier post. These concerns are primarily about (re)building a healthy and democratic political and social order, and within it a healthy academic discipline and educational system, from a condition in which academic qualifications and infrastructure are sorely inadequate. She expects this process to be inspired and aided by colleagues and institutions in the West.

These concerns are very different from the preoccupations of Western anthropologists when it comes to Iraq: imperialism; the complicity of anthropology in the occupation (a term Lahay herself disagrees with, preferring to use the term liberation); and, more generally, the expectation of staking out a critical anthropological position from a Middle Eastern/Muslim perspective vis-a-vis Western concepts (à la Lila Abu-Lughod, for example).

Message from our Iraquain visitor

Lahay Hussain

It has been one month and a half for me in the Netherlands. Fascinating visit to a typical western culture. This is by itself a very moving experience on the personal level. Here one puts all the theories and ideas made by great American and European social theorists in the right context. They have been talking and interacting with this culture. The great works of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Simmel, Mead, Park and the rest have been inspired and motivated by the ways of life and thinking of this culture. However, back home in Iraq, we (sociologists and anthropologists) continue to struggle to understand and fit these theories with our current social and cultural situation. Most of the time, they do not work except in an environment that makes the West its source of reference. I have no problem with this. I personally have been blessed by the west.


De camera als wapen in mensenrechtenactivisme in Israel/Palestina

life in fragments

Door Erella Grassiani

Al jarenlang houd ik me bezig met ‘de situatie’ in het Midden Oosten. Als ik in Israel ben ga ik naar demonstraties in Tel Aviv en reis ik naar de bezette gebieden om met andere Israëli’s actie te voeren om solidariteit te tonen met de Palestijnen die vaak erg te lijden hebben onder de bezetting.

De afgelopen tijd viel me een nieuw fenomeen op: alle partijen leggen zoveel mogelijk vast op film. Israëlische mensenrechten activisten filmen de demonstraties tegen de Muur en daarbij de Israëlische soldaten die deze demonstraties vaak hardhandig neerslaan. Palestijnen filmen de misdragingen van de Joodse kolonisten. En on top of that filmt het Israëlische leger iedereen die maar voor hun camera’s loopt om zoveel mogelijk gezichten van demonstranten vast te leggen.

De films gemaakt door Israëlische en Palestijnse burgers en activisten zijn, in tegenstelling tot de films van het leger, bovendien allemaal te vinden op Youtube of elders op het internet. Zo bijvoorbeeld dit filmpje: