DOOR VIVIAN MAC GILLAVRY De aarde moesten we verlaten. Na de exponentiële groei van de wereldbevolking in de jaren 80 van de 21e eeuw, de technologische crisis en de natuurrampen in 3011-3020, was duidelijk dat…
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By Peter Versteeg Recently Chris Cornell, singer of the bands Soundgarden and Audio-slave, died. Soundgarden is probably best known for their early nineties song ‘Black Hole Sun’, which is the invocation of a sort of natural disaster that will swallow everything ugly and false. It is a cry to be released from a depression that is caused by an awareness that life has become hollow and that the earth has been delivered into the hands of frauds, crooks, and idiots. Cornell took his own life. Announcing his tragic death, news shows showed exactly this song as he played it during the last earthly gig he ever played. It is not difficult to feel its ominousness.