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Tag: Clifford Geertz

Anthropology as post-hermeneutics

Bits & Pieces Put Together to Present a Semblance of a Whole, by Lawrence Weiner, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (1991).

by Peter Versteeg

A third response to Matthias Teeuwen’s contribution to Standplaats Wereld of 13-2-2017, titled “Is Anthropology the most Humanistic of the Sciences and the most Scientific of the Humanities?“.

The first thing that came to my mind in the discussion about the scientific/humanistic nature of anthropology is the awareness that cultural anthropology is a label which for political and historical reasons has kept together a number of sub-disciplines, some having a substantial family resemblance but others sharing hardly any characteristics at all. A categorical understanding would immediately show a difference between humanities-anthropology and social science-anthropology. And then there is also a cross-cutting continuum of methodological positions, ranging from a kind of qualitative ‘measuring’ to ‘story-telling’, which indicates a similar kind of categorization. Salman seems to me an example of trying to be in both positions at the same time. What we, in the end, share as anthropologists is a common package of methods called fieldwork.

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Antropologen, historici en de hartslag van het archief


foto door Jeff Medaugh

Door Herman Roodenburg

Bij leerstoelen horen oraties. Vandaar dat ik onlangs, op 18 september, in een aangenaam volle zaal, mijn oratie hield als bijzonder hoogleraar ‘Historische Antropologie en Etnologie van Europa’. In mijn oratie had ik het over de wederzijdse interesse van antropologen en historici voor elkaars disciplines.

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