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Tag: Donya Alinejad

Donya Alinejad inspireert studenten met proefschrift over Iraanse diaspora

foto: Mike Crosland
foto: Mike Crosland

 Door Eva de Jong.
Momenteel volgen derdejaars bachelorstudenten Antropologie het vak ‘Professionele en Thematische Oriëntatie’ onder leiding van Lenie Brouwer. Dit vak heeft als doel studenten bewust te maken van hun potenties en de mogelijkheden op de arbeidsmarkt. Één mogelijk perspectief is promoveren, net Donya Alinejad. Zij verdedigde op 16 februari 2015 haar proefschrift ‘Next Generation Diaspora: The formation of Iranian American-ness among second generation migrant internet users in Los Angeles. De derdejaars studenten waren erbij.

Iraanse Diaspora
Donya promoveerde op haar proefschrift over de Iraanse diaspora in de Verenigde Staten en de vorming van virtuele gemeenschappen door middel van internet. Via het begrip identiteit onderzocht zij hoe internet het dagelijks leven van de Iraanse tweede generatie in de Verenigde Staten beïnvloedt. Volgens Alinejad zijn internationale betrekkingen op internet sterk geïndividualiseerd en weerspiegelt de virtuele wereld hun politieke overtuigingen. Daarnaast onderzocht zij welke invloed offline Iraanse gemeenschappen hebben op internet en wat hun invloed is op de politieke verhoudingen tussen Amerika en Iran. Alinejad concludeert in haar proefschrift dat Iraanse-Amerikanen internet gebruiken om zich zowel te distantiëren van Iran als om verbinding te houden met Iran. Door middel van internet is de Iraanse diaspora in de Verenigde Staten steeds meer een cultureel centrum voor gemigreerde Iraniërs die verspreid over de wereld wonen.


The death of the “twitter rev­o­lu­tion” and the struggle over internet narratives

By Donya Alinejad In her latest speech on internet freedom, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared the internet the “town square” of the 21st cen­tury. Clinton seized on the wide­spread atten­tion for Facebook during the Egyptian rev­o­lu­tion and used the oppor­tu­nity to reit­erate internet-oriented US for­eign policy. Just days ear­lier the Egyptian people had ousted Hosni Mubarak, their dic­tator of 30 years. Cairo’s Tahrir Square had been occu­pied by pro­testers, stained with the blood of the revolution’s mar­tyrs, and gained iconic status as the center of the 21st century’s most pop­u­lous rev­o­lu­tionary move­ment. Soon after, pro­testers in Libya named the Northern Court in Benghazi “Tahrir Square Two.” If these events show us any­thing, it is that the town square of the 21st cen­tury is still, simply, the town square.


Antropologisch Kieskompas: Education Cutbacks

In our new series “Antropologisch Kieskompas (Anthropological Election Compass) anthropologists express their views on important issues in the upcoming Parliamentary Elections. These include integration, development, environment, and education. The authors reflect critically on how particular current affairs are being dealt with in the public. In this week’s posting, Donya Alinejad writes about the changes to higher education and the student reactions.

By Donya Alinejad This Friday, May 21st, at 13.00, a demonstration against the financial cut-backs on Dutch education will be held in Amsterdam. Demonstrators will start gathering at 13.00 on Damplein and will lead a procession march to Museumplein, where speeches, concerts, and rallies will commence from 14.00 onward. The aim is to fill the Museumplein in defense of higher education and against the planned 20% cutbacks, thus sending a clear political message to leaders in the Hague: no more cutbacks on education. The initiators of the protests are the student groups, LSVb, ISO, JOB, LKvV, and Comite SOS. They are sponsored by radio station Wild FM and have the support of other student and grassroots organizations.


Haiti in the news

How to Mock the Past of a People in Shock

US Marines monitor food distribution in Haiti

By Donya Alinejad

The aftershocks of the earthquake continue to hurt and haunt Haitians. As the nightmare goes on, the estimated death toll has reached 200,000 and the European Commission has estimated that 2 million people are homeless. Emergency aid from all over the world is being mobilized. But news of international aid seems to be reaching us much faster than the aid itself is reaching those who need it.