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Tag: Rome

From supporting migrants to protesting for change

By Lysanne Vrooman           Almost half a year ago, on the 25th of March 2017, it was the sixtieth anniversary of the treaty of Rome. In 1957 the treaty of Rome was signed by the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxemburg, Germany and Italy. The treaty was envisioned to open borders, prevent war and create endless economic and trade opportunities. The countries would not restrict each other anymore. Now sixty years later the treaty that was supposed to unite the countries, is looked at with scepticism and frustrations by some citizens of Rome. The current migration-influx has led to tightened border controls and policies that divide instead of unite.

For my master’s thesis in Social and Cultural Anthropology I studied a group of citizens in Rome who started an association to support migrants in the city. Whereas the citizens started their association to provide the migrants with food, a place to stay and support, I found in my research that they also strive for a better situation for migrants in Europe in general. They question the current developments and policies of the European Union when it comes to migration, and aim to present a counter-message.

Protesting is one of the ways they try to send such a counter-message. And on this Saturday, March 25th, a big protest was organised to show their disagreement with the current situation and to question the (changed) implications of the treaty of Rome. Through pictures of this protest I will show what this day looked like.

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Regen op een maandagochtend

Door Lysanne Vrooman         Op een maandagochtend in februari word ik wakker. Met de slaap nog in mijn ogen pak ik mijn telefoon om te kijken hoe laat het is. Ondanks dat het net acht uur is, zie ik veel notificaties van Facebook op mijn schermpje staan. De notificaties komen uit de Facebook-groep van de vrijwilligersassociatie (Baobab Experience) waarbij ik nu al zo’n zes weken meeloop en onderzoek doe in Rome. Ik lees de berichten en begrijp dat de politie is langs geweest bij het ‘kamp’ dat is opgezet voor de migranten om in te overnachten. De politie heeft de tenten leeggemaakt, opgeruimd en enkele migranten meegenomen naar het hoofdbureau voor een controle. Er wordt gevraagd of eenieder die beschikbaar is zo snel mogelijk kan komen.

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