Do you have any contributions that you would like to see published? Blog articles, podcast ideas, and other anthropological media are very welcome.
Standplaats Wereld is based at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, but also welcomes contributions from outside. Our aim is to publish anthropological stories and insights, and about anthropology as a discipline, in an accessible way.
If you have a contribution, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Blogs may be in English or Dutch.
- Blogs may have a length from 500 to 800 words, with a possible extension to 1000 words. Whether this extension is possible will be decided by one of our editors.
- We do not use footnotes or an academic-style reference system in the text. Recommendations for further reading may be included at the end of the blog.
- We do not use subheadings for paragraphs.
- All blogs need to include a horizontal image. If you have trouble finding one, we can help you.
If you have ideas that deviate from these guidelines, we are still curious to hear about them. Such ideas may be beyond the written form; we for example have a podcast series and have recently started a YouTube-channel for audiovisual contributions. However, we do urge you to contact us in advance, to avoid disappointment and unnecessary work.
Please contact us or send your contribution to