By Lucas Kuijl – On an icy Monday morning, I found myself on the first ferry to the island of Terschelling. I was researching fisheries in the Netherlands and their lived experience of the sea.…
2 CommentsCategory: Economie
by Eva Koemar – “Our current president – he must be from the afterlife, he says that he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Nobody knows which tunnel, or what that light…
Leave a CommentDoor Ton Salman Je kunt de patstelling op meerdere manieren formuleren: je bent een land met een lange en wrange geschiedenis van plundering van je rijke natuurlijke hulpbronnen, en tegelijkertijd het land dat naar verluid…
Leave a CommentBy Ton Salman There are markets. There are big markets. And there is the superlative degree of market. Arguably, that is the Feria de 16 de Julio, in El Alto, Bolivia. We are talking here…
Leave a Commentby Rachma L Putri “I think, as long as I remember, I never felt happy about my life. There is always too much burden in my life” said Darminah with teary eyes when I asked…
2 CommentsBy Qusai Khwes I opened my eyes; waking up to my back hurting a bit, and my feet a lot. The day before, I spent more than fifteen hours in my ‘workplace’. In the summer…
3 CommentsDoor Peter Versteeg Veranderen, verandering – waarom willen we dat eigenlijk? Weten we werkelijk waarom we soms ons leven om willen gooien of zijn onze motieven ten diepste verborgen voor ons zelf? Onze wil om…
3 CommentsThe complex humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has caused more than five million Venezuelans to flee their country. In turn, Venezuelans that stay have developed multiple subsistence strategies, ranging from remittances, emergency gold extraction and resale…
DOOR VIVIAN MAC GILLAVRY De aarde moesten we verlaten. Na de exponentiële groei van de wereldbevolking in de jaren 80 van de 21e eeuw, de technologische crisis en de natuurrampen in 3011-3020, was duidelijk dat…