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Category: Politiek & burgerschap

PVV monsterzege: gevaar voor de multiculturele samenleving, of bewijs van haar succes?

door Eva Koemar – Toen ik de dag na de verkiezingen op de VU kwam, hoorde ik veel bezorgde geluiden over de ‘monsterzege’ van de PVV. De uitslag zou een ramp zijn voor het klimaat,…

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De omgekeerde wereld van carnaval ten tijde van Omikron. Een stopmotion van Esther Teelen.

Door Esther Teelen – “Ik maak een stopmotion waarin ik mijn veldwerkervaringen verwerk”, dacht ik direct bij het beluisteren van een discussie over het Nederlandse coronabeleid. In de langetermijnaanpak stelde de overheid de eigen verantwoordelijkheid…

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In the meantime on the other side of the world…

By Marina de Regt     While we were all busy watching the US elections in the first week of November, an armed conflict broke out on the other side of the world, in the already turbulent and instable Horn of Africa. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 for his efforts to bring about peace between the almost 20-year stalemate between Ethiopia and Eritrea, ordered a military offensive in response to an attack launched by the TPLF (the Tigray People’s Liberation Front) on the national defence force. It resulted in hundreds of deaths amongst whom many civilians and thousands of refugees fleeing their homes in the northern part of Ethiopia crossing the border to Sudan. Last week, when the results of the US elections were finally clear, the conflict has caught the attention of the Western media. Within a very short time Abiy Ahmed’s image as a peacemaker is receding in the eyes of the international community, and he is being pressured to stop the military attacks. But what is really going on in Ethiopia, and how can we explain the fact that this young and promising Prime Minister felt forced to use violence?

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