By Tess Zondervan – The wind is teasing me. As I try to keep my balance, resting my back onto the big wooden pillar around the magnetic compass – the one us telling we are…
2 CommentsCategory: Regio Europa
By Robert Cornelis – It’s one of the first warm days in May, and I am slightly thrown off by how lush and green my hometown appears. In my memories of Diemen, it was a…
1 CommentBy Lucas Kuijl – On an icy Monday morning, I found myself on the first ferry to the island of Terschelling. I was researching fisheries in the Netherlands and their lived experience of the sea.…
2 CommentsSam Heeremans explores the transformative journey of birth in the Netherlands through the lens of doulas. Doulas provide non-medical support to birthing women, emphasizing the spiritual aspects of childbirth within the cultural context. The role is deeply rooted in accompanying women through intense bodily and possibly spiritual shifts, distancing from romanticized notions. Heeremans’ fieldwork reveals a cultural appreciation, augmenting a woman’s experience with communal and ritualistic dimensions inherent in becoming a mother.
Leave a CommentDoor Thijl Sunier – De recente ongeregeldheden in Den Haag waarbij Eritrese demonstranten slaags raakten met de politie, leidden in de media en aan de talkshowtafels tot verhitte discussies over de achtergronden van deze oproer.…
Leave a CommentBy Romy de Vos – During my fieldwork, in all my conversations and interviews, the elephant in the room was always the deafening silence of the victims themselves.
Leave a CommentBy Eva van der Pol – Ever since I can remember, I have loved language. To me, it is so interesting to see where words come from, how they are socially constructed, and what they…
3 CommentsBy Freek Colombijn, Marina de Regt and Marjo de Theije – In the run-up to Keti Koti, the annual commemoration of the formal abolishment of slavery in Suriname and the Dutch Antilles on 1 July…
Leave a CommentBy Peter Versteeg – The opening images of the documentary “White Balls on Walls” show us an ivory tower: a huge building, shining white, almost sterile, a stronghold of modern art. This is an institute,…
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