By Thijl Sunier – Those who were in the Netherlands between 6-8 November could not possibly have missed it. Riots broke out around a football match between the Israeli Maccabi Tel Aviv team and Ajax, which took place in Amsterdam’s main football station Amsterdam Arena. The clashes were between the supporters of Maccabi and purportedly Dutch-Moroccan youngsters. In the night the city became the scene of a grim confrontation between several groups and the police.
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By Thijl Sunier – On October 28, 2022, I shall give my valedictory lecture speech as professor of anthropology, chair of Islam in European Societies. The theme of the speech, and of the seminar preceding…
Leave a CommentBy Lilian Ebbelaar – Ramadan to me was always something that was so interesting. It had this kind of mysterious feeling and always felt strange to me. Why are Muslims fasting? What does it feel…
Leave a CommentImage credit: David Evers, Flickr, Creative Commons. By Daan Beekers, Hansjörg Dilger and Daniel Nilsson DeHanas. In recent decades, the anthropology of religion has produced detailed and diverse insights into the experience of religious groups…
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De conferentie was deels een interne NU aangelegenheid, maar had vooral op de eerste dag een duidelijke boodschap aan de buitenwereld. De Islam is groter dan het Midden-Oosten en, sterker, de meeste Moslims komen niet uit de Arabische wereld. De Indonesische Islam, of Islam Nusantara, is een tolerante, niet-gewelddadige Islam.
Leave a CommentBy Matthias Teeuwen When one thinks of a Muslim artist in the Netherlands one naturally thinks of someone who, with his or her art, tries to address issues of integration, tensions between Islam and secularism or the clash between Islamic and western society. Because that is what art by Muslims in the Netherlands is supposed to be about. Right?
In last week’s AALS lecture Dr. Bregje Termeer came to talk to us about her dissertation research on artistic strategies of young Muslim artists living in the Netherlands. What she discovered was that these artists did not subscribe to the definition of what art by Muslims is supposed to be. These artists were, as Termeer called it, ‘disengaging culturalism’.
Het proefschrift gaat over een belangrijke kwestie die aandacht verdient, namelijk over de vraag hoe die rechtbanken functioneren en of er sprake is van huwelijksdwang. Ik ga hier niet haar boek bespreken. Ik heb daar geen ruimte voor, maar ik verwijs ook graag naar de uitstekende bespreking van zowel het proefschrift als de populaire bewerking ervan door Martijn de Koning op zijn blog Closer. Waar het mij om gaat is hoe de resultaten naar buiten komen, wat er blijft hangen en wat de onderzoekster eigenlijk wil.
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