By Thiago Pinto Barbosa. 156 million Brazilians were called to vote on the last Sunday of October. It was the second round of the presidential elections: Brazilians had to decide between the far-right president Jair…
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Door Ton Salman Je kunt de patstelling op meerdere manieren formuleren: je bent een land met een lange en wrange geschiedenis van plundering van je rijke natuurlijke hulpbronnen, en tegelijkertijd het land dat naar verluid…
Leave a CommentBy Ton Salman There are markets. There are big markets. And there is the superlative degree of market. Arguably, that is the Feria de 16 de Julio, in El Alto, Bolivia. We are talking here…
Leave a CommentBy Ton Salman This is part II of the blog “Rituals to help us out….” If you have not yet read part I, you can read it here. Ekeko would by some probably be coined…
Leave a CommentBondiola, matambre, chinchulines, choripan en milenasa napolitana zijn slechts een paar voorbeelden van de enorme keur aan vlees en worst in Argentinië. Vaak vergeten we de stapels pizza’s, bergen verse pasta’s en uiteraard de alom…
Leave a Commentby Maddalena Conte It does not happen every day that a worldwide crisis completely overturns a discipline’s research methods, giving no choice but to experiment with new practices. This is exactly what is going on…
Leave a CommentThe complex humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has caused more than five million Venezuelans to flee their country. In turn, Venezuelans that stay have developed multiple subsistence strategies, ranging from remittances, emergency gold extraction and resale…
Rigorous measures against the corona pandemic in Latin America affect the millions of Venezuelan migrants harder than local populations on the continent. The closure of borders with neighbouring countries also has far-reaching consequences for Venezuelans…
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