This past academic year we have continued with our regular content featuring anthropological analyses of current events (the pandemic and the assassination of Peter R. de Vries, for example), some cultural analyses (such as this one) and some tips and tricks for writing your thesis.
This year was also a year in which we have started adding some new elements to Standplaats Wereld. We are very excited, first of all, about the podcast we have launched featuring conversations with anthropologists about the added value of our discipline. We have also published more image-based blogs than previous years such as the unique visual essay below and photo-essays (like this one). We are very excited about these new additions to the blog and we hope you have enjoyed listening to the podcasts and viewing the visual essays.
The academic year is at an end so we’ll be closing up shop for August. We will be back in September with more anthropological reflections, photo-essays and cultural analyses. We would like to thank all our writers for their contributions and we wish everyone a great summer!
beautiful scenery, what place is it?